18 December, 2012
Disclaimer: Watch and listen first then only you scroll to the bottom to read the interpretations.
Trust me, it will be better this way =P
and it's 18x lol.
Stumble upon this video while searching for new songs to listen on a rainy evening that smells like freedom
(cause y' know, final exam is over!!! xP)
Seriously the video freaked me out starting from the part!!! (I'm sure you know it LOL)(If you watched man)
Despite of being freaky, it's a great song tho =P
So as what I usually will do, I scrolled to the read the top comments
and found out that, woah, this video actually has deeper meaning other than being freaky and pervy XD
I feel that it can be related to me and my life (a teenager life...)
So here I am sharing this to you and hope you can relate it too haha
#ICanRelate lol
Origional vid symbolizes teenage mischief and sexual curriosity, and how those lead in to the real world where childhood friends are lost and you begin to see the world as it really is. In the end, the girl was blinded by the true horrors of the world, and just gave up.
(Courtesy to chocolatecrud from Youtube Top comment lol)
They sneak inside, one girl being insecure, as is her counterpart.
One of the couples then place themselves in one end of the pool and starts to "grow up to become adult".
The other couple is talking, and the guy approaches to kiss (=grow up), but the girl wants to keep her childhood and jumps into the water to keep it.
Then adulthood enters without her consent. She gets out of the water and the guy rushes up to see if she's OK.
Here's where it gets "freaky" according to the majority.
The other couple shows up as monsters (=they've horribly grown up to become adults), and starts to attack them.
The girl runs away quick enough, as she is desperate to stay young.
The boy however, is eaten (=becomes and adult the painful way).
The girl tries again and again to escape adulthood, but ends up diving into the pool.
She takes a leap through the portal and into the world of adulthood.
She who wanted to be a child.
She then sees what she's become, and what she has entered, and then her eyes bursts into flames (=tears), blinded by the true horrors of the world.
( Source: here )
So, have you been blinded by your reality?
Or, have you lost your innocence?
I am evil.